our name


Ephesians 2:10, “For we are his masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”


The Greek word for masterpiece is poíēma (ποίημα), where we get the English word “poem”. Each of us, in Christ, are God’s works of art created for a good purpose. Each of us is a unique creation designed and fashioned by God. If this is true about us individually, then together we are a collective display of masterpieces— a “gallery”.

The Gallery Church is a collective body of God’s masterpieces called to display the good news of Jesus Christ through our dependence on the Holy Spirit, our commitment to growing deep spiritual roots, our pursuit of intimate spiritual community, and our love for our neighbors in New York City.

our values

Built on a foundation of a deep love for God and rooted in our passion for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, our four core values are:

  1. We are Dependant on the Holy Spirit
  2. We are Committed to Growing Deep Spiritual Roots
  3. We Pursue Intimate Spiritual Community
  4. We Love Our Neighbors

our beliefs

The Gallery Church is a non-denominational church that believes in the inerrant, infallible and inspired authority of Christian scriptures. We hold fast to the orthodox Christian beliefs as best articulated in the Apostle’s Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Lausanne Covenant.

dependent on the holy spirit

(Acts 1:8 ; John 14:15-31 ; 16:4-15)

We depend on the Holy Spirit for the transformative work of sanctification that accompanies heart change as part of the Christian walk. Change and transformation in an individual can only happen through the Holy Spirit, so we foster a sensitivity to his work in our lives and community. Rather than manufacture spiritual experience, we prioritize exposure in our community to the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit corporately and individually. We teach our people to have open eyes and open hearts as we remain attentive to the movement of the Holy Spirit at the Gallery. We commit to actively using our spiritual gifts, listening to God speak, and remaining open to signs and wonders in our community.

pursue intimate spiritual community

(Acts 2:42-47 ; Colossians 3:12-17)

We intentionally create spaces for our people to experience true, deep, intimate Biblical community with others. We believe God created us to grow alongside other believers and that He will move in our relationships as we lean in. While we cannot force connection, we will go out of our way to provide opportunities for the Gallery community to engage with each other honestly in response to the gospel. We are committed to share intimately with our fellow brothers and sisters in pursuit of a family that reflects the life, empathy, and truth found in our God.

committed to growing deep spiritual roots

(Colossians 1:9-10 ; 2:1-7 ; James 2:14-17)

We are committed to seeing individuals experience further transformative heart change we know comes from experiencing God through deep spiritual practices. We believe God is calling all people to Himself not only through the salvific work of Jesus, but an ongoing, unique spiritual journey. Through a growing prayer life, scripture study and other spiritual disciplines we encourage people to live out the Bible’s call to walk in the likeness of Christ — to imitate him and to reflect Him in word and deed. Having been changed by the Holy Spirit, we desire for people to experience growth in their Christian walk rooted in a transformed heart.

love our neighbors

(Luke 10:25-37 ; Matthew 22:34-40)

We go out of our way to communicate God’s heart of love for our neighbors in Chelsea, New York City, and the world. We actively find and create opportunities to showcase God’s life through resources, relationships, and inviting others into our community. Having experienced heart change through the Holy Spirit, spiritual disciplines, and life giving relationship in intimate community, what naturally flows out of Gallery is an eagerness to invite others into the life we’ve found in Jesus Christ.

Our Team

Tim Goodwin

Lead Pastor

Our Leadership

Stan Thomas


Jordan Richard


Tim Goodwin
